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Recess LabsWe bring high-potential individuals together to explore ideas, find collaborators, and figure out their next career move amidst high optionality.
Sustainability | Amazon B BAt Amazon B B Hotel, the commitment to the environment and sustainability is part of our reason for being. The Hotel has a sustainability policy and a handbook of good practices that reduce the impact on our daily operat
Digital Features - The Noguchi MuseumEditorial features on a diversity of topics related to Isamu Noguchi’s life, work, important collaborators, and his enduring relevence in today’s world.
Solution for knowledge management | CMS made for knowledge assets - BrBrightspot CMS helps get collaborators and authors up and running in as little as 100 days to make your knowledge management processes more productive.
Digital Features - The Noguchi MuseumEditorial features on a diversity of topics related to Isamu Noguchi’s life, work, important collaborators, and his enduring relevence in today’s world.
Homepage - God Is In The TVGod Is In The TV is a music and culture website based in the UK. Featuring news, interviews, reviews, videos, streams, live music, film and TV.
CI/CD Pricing Plans for Any Need - Travis CICI/CD Pricing options for every developer. Travis CI offers multiple pricing plans. Choose the Travis CI pricing plan that is right for you.
Chapter 21 Git Version Control | Bioconductor Packages: Development, MThe Bioconductor project is maintained in a Git source control system. Package maintainers update their packages by pushing changes to their git repositories. This chapter contains several...
YouTube for Songwriters - Songwriters ProducersBest practices for Songwriters, Producers and their teams to thrive on YouTube. Create your visual discography, get playlist inspiration, and more.
Researcher tools and databases | ElsevierUser-friendly tools and databases that make research and ideas easier to discover, share, examine, and apply. data-next-head=
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